children at school

How to Know If Your Child Is Ready For School

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When it comes to schooling, all parents want their kids to start at the perfect time. As everyone always says, every child is different. Not every kid will start school at the age of 4, 5, or 6. So, how do you know if your child is ready for school? Here are some areas that you should check before signing your child up for a well-known preschool in Lynnwood, VA and other places:


A child needs to have the basic skills to care for themselves without the supervision of their parents or guardians, such as:

  • Dressing up. A child should be able to pull up their underwear or pants, put on their socks and shoes, and put on their coat or jacket.
  • Eating. A child should have the ability to open and close their lunchbox, feed themselves properly and in the appropriate sequence (e.g. main meal before dessert), and drink from their bottle without spilling the contents.
  • Toilet. A child must know how to urinate without spilling, sit on the toilet by themselves, and clean themselves after doing a number two.

Physical health and coordination

For a child to be admitted into schooling, they should have the necessary fine motor skills that children of their age should possess. For example, your child must be able to hold a pencil correctly or cut paper with scissors. Furthermore, they should have the physical coordination needed for everyday school activities, such as running, playing, jumping, and climbing.

Cognitive skills


Cognition is a vital part of school readiness. In children, cognitive skills allow them to make meanings, patterns, and relationships in their surroundings. Generally, a child should have these cognitive skills to achieve success with their schooling:

  • They can speak in short sentences that can be understood the majority of the time
  • They can tell a story in sequence
  • They can count from 1 to 10
  • They can understand and follow directions with multiple steps
  • They can distinguish a story from a fact
  • They are able to focus and concentrate on a task

Social skills

Parents should also let their children interact with other kids first before deciding if their child is ready for school. Allowing them to interact with children around their age will help you determine if they have enough social skills to be in a classroom with other kids.

Children are mostly ready for school if they can get along with other children, show basic manners, play with other children as well as on their own, and understand basic societal norms. If they lack in these particular social skills, you may want to hold off schooling until you are sure they can interact appropriately with their peers.

Emotional maturity

Very young children who entered school too early often have a hard time assimilating into the new environment. To find out if your child has enough emotional maturity to start school, check if he or she can manage their emotions properly, cope with the stress of a new environment, follow instructions from other adults, and understand the classroom rules.

Parents shouldn’t assess their child’s school readiness. If you have a child that is nearing the schooling age, speak with their daycare or preschool teachers who can help you make the best decision.

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